What does NASA have to do with humanitarianism?

Strap in as host Lars Peter Nissen takes off with Rhiannan Price and Laura Guzman from NASA Lifelines to explore the groundbreaking intersection of satellite technology and humanitarian action. Can the very data that orbits our planet revolutionize how we respond to crises and save lives? This episode explores how Lifelines dismantles the barriers between scientists and humanitarians, creating a community dedicated to leveraging satellite data for real-world impact.

Learn about the innovative programs available to practitioners like you, from the Earth Science Review Board that offers free expert consulting to humanitarian organizations, to chatty supper clubs, to an immersive humanitarian simulation designed to showcase the power of satellite imagery in crisis scenarios. Unpack the challenges of building trust between these two worlds and why Lifelines believes it’s more than worth the effort.

Be a part of the collaboration today via these links:

Have your program reviewed for free by the Earth Science Review Board

Get in touch to host your own Supper Club

Check here for Humanitarian Simulation updates